On To Norfolk

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The last few days have been spent making Walmart runs, having a family picnic, grocery store runs, visiting with extended family, and preparing for five or so days of travel to Beaufort, NC.

We left Olverson’s at dawn this am. A BIG thank you again to everyone at Olverson’s for all of their hospitality. They claim to be the friendliest marina on the bay….agreed!

It’ll be a 12-13 hour run for us today, to Willoughby Bay, which is just north of Norfolk; an unexciting, straight-line run. Time could end up shorter, if we catch some current behind us, The south winds are supposed to pick up later, which can make time longer, if waves build, We may stop and anchor earlier, or change our Norfolk anchorage plan. It’ all up to the whims of Captain Scott!

“Shells Sink, Dreams Float. Life’s Good On Our Boat!”

One thought on “On To Norfolk

  1. Safe voyage! Keep your posts coming – – we love them!
    Colin thought the “spiced rum” in the old Penzoil bottle was so cool (a vocabulary word from the 70’s)! We miss you both and Colin’s trips to the parking lot are much quicker now that he doesn’t have to inspect the work being done on Sea Life.

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