Captain Scott

Scott has a passion for everything boat and water related. He has spent the last eight years educating himself in all marine areas. After becoming a marine surveyor and member of SAMS, he tested for a U.S. Coast Guard 100 Ton Master License. Scott is also a member of ABYC (The American Boating & Yacht Counsel), that set standards for safer boating (think building codes and such for houses). He’s a Master Certified Technician for them, holding certifications in standards (codes), electrical, corrosion and marine systems. In addition, he’s a weather geek, and has taken multiple advanced weather classes, to add to the many books he’s read on the subject (don’t ask if it’s going to rain, unless you want a short class on the subject!).

Scott enjoys reggae, swimming and snorkeling, spiced rum and traveling… so I guess he was made for this adventure!